I got tired, tired, tired of waiting.

I got tired, tired, tired of waiting.

It’s been a minute since the last post and that was on purpose. After the events of the past month and change I’ve not felt like doing much and feel like hiding in a hole. I still feel this way and am discovering new ways of being anti-social. It’s been weird and depressing. Nevertheless, here I am.

I did manage to get a submission into the Alternative Tentacles Bat Logo show in San Francisco. A thing that I thought would never happen. I love AT and Winston Smith, the mighty artist behind the Bat Logo. The subject of the show was to present your interpretation of the logo, mine is pictured below. Granted I was unable to make the opening at Studio Fallout. Hopefully I can find a photo of it on display. I’ve missed doing things like this and shall see if I can do more of it in the future.

I did a couple of gig posters for friends too. That is always fun. I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but if I could make a living just doing that, it would be awesome. Speaking of jobs, the never ending job hunt continues. Hopefully something will pan out soon on that front.

Freelance has been spotty at best lately. Usually have a few more paid gigs around the holidays, but this year just hasn’t panned out which is fitting I guess given the current feel of everything. I’m always open for projects, just shoot me a line if you’re in need of anything!

Well that is about all I can think of to bore you with right now. Until next time, COURAGE. And as always FODBM