It’s almost 7pm on Friday night and I’m getting rejection emails about the many jobs that I’ve applied for. Those sting a little bit more, the after hours rejections, man. Oh well, what doesn’t hire me makes me stronger? Let’s hope so. I told my wife that once I hit 100 active applications, that will unlock a bonus world. I don’t know if this is true, but a manchild can dream, eh?
It’s been a week, I’m treating the quest for employment as a full time job, so it sort of feels like I clock in at 7 am and then stay online until I’m dropping my pen to the graphic tablet and go to bed, wake up and do it all over again. I don’t regret breaking up with the past arrangement. There is only so many projects I can do for free for folks that have zero appreciation for said projects.
It’s a long weekend, and what a long weekend it should be. I’m very excited about the wrasslin’ PPV that happens on Sunday. I don’t get excited about much as it’s the hockey off season and frankly I’m pretty miserable at the moment, but this event makes me want to bake a cake and/or be social. I’m currently working on some freelance, but I’ve also got the normal illustration project that I do for most PPVs. This one hopefully will be a good one. If not, oh well…they’re fun and keep me off of the streets.

I recently finished a fun gig poster for the local Surf Rock Band, De Gringos y Gremmies. The mighty Daikaiju is coming through town and if it’s anything like last time you’ll want to bring your weenies and/or marshmallows. Anyhoo, this is what it turned out like. Not too shabby. I might print a few to hang and/or sell if anyone is interested.

I’ll post more when I’ve completed the PPV promo materials. Until then, COURAGE.