Its the middle of July and I’m in a rut. Lets face it, its been the same rut that I’ve been in for quite some time. The never ending job search can keep your self worth to pretty low levels. I’ll keep plugging along and eventually some one will realize that they’ve found a deal by hiring a design with…

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A few months of quiet on the blog front eh? Yep. That happens. I’ve been at the mercy of anxiety and mental blocks with some nice freelance sprinkled in-between said episodes. What has happened since the last post? Hockey season ended in a sputter, so I’ve been concentrating on the garden and plants ever since. I’ve got everything planted and…

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It’s been another gap between entries, but alas here is another one. We’re coming out of winter and into spring which means that I can direct my leftover teen angst to hopefully a long post-season of hockey and gardening and birding and whatever other old lady hobbies you want to make fun of me for. Freelance has been going well.…

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The year has been a year, well actually just over a month, but you get my drift. Stuff is slow right now. The part-time gig might as well not exist as I’ve completed all of two projects since xmas. I’m actively looking for another PT or full-time gig, so if you know of one or in need of a soon…

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The first post of the new year and it’s a big one, well probably not big size wise, but emotionally it’s a doozy. I’ve not posted since November and since then we lost my father in-law after a long, long battle with Parkinson’s. He was in hospice for 7 months and we tried to be there everyday, which I feel…

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Well, it’s November…what does that mean? I’m not sure. We’ve been trying to get through the day to day with the wife’s new clinical schedule. Good thing this is temporary. She seems like a stranger with the amount of time that we see here around Deleted Inc. Anyhoo, other than that life is life. The holidays are near which means…

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Tardy to the blog party as per usual. I’ve been a busy Delete with the part-time gig and the freelance that I haven’t really had much time to get much cooking in the personal art department, but I guess getting paid is better than me hanging in the arthole and not bringing any fundage to the Deleted Inc. cause. The…

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It’s about time for another one of these bad boys eh? Well the last post was a pretty depressing one eh? Yeah, we’re still feeling it here. Smuckers was a big part of the family and we’ve missed him a lot. On that subject, I swore up and down that it’d be awhile until we even sniffed at the chance…

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It’s been a rough one folks, since the last blog entry we lost our bestest oldest good boy Smuckers shortly after my last post. It was unexpected and awful. This summer has been one of the most depressing that the Delete has experienced. I miss Smuckers terribly. I care for my pups more than the majority of humans. It’s been…

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TGI something or other. It’s been a gap since the last posting on the ol’ blog. I’ve been a bit down and out as life stresses are making the Delete more sad than happy these days. The jolt of goodness was fleeting after returning from the Bungle show, but I’m trying to shake this shit, so far it’s not going…

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